Lead Generation for Authors and Blogging

Sudhir Bhatt
6 min readNov 22, 2021


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Readers are our most necessary and valuable asset in the publishing industry . We need to find a way to generate leads from readers who will buy our books, read them, give reviews and provide us with constructive feedback.

Lead generation tools for authors are in demand due to the flourishing of book publishing industry, these tools are working towards different goals — from list building to lead generation .

We give a broad perspective as an introduction and discuss here the need for lead generation from the author’s point of view.

Lead generation is an important part of any author’s marketing efforts. Using lead generation tactics, tools and strategies, you can focus on your readers and then create a list of potential buyers for your next book. This way, you can make sure that you are targeting them with your marketing campaign and that they have a chance to hear your message.

Generating leads for authors is important in this digital age where readers have more access to all kinds of content in different formats. Reading audience get free ebooks with just a few clicks ,what I mean is that the writers must think of creative ways to get in front of their potential readers without using aggression or pushiness. But that is easier said than done.

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Authors do not just need readers to read their creations but they also need to engage them and presto convert them into leads.

The key to generating leads is by building a list of subscribers who subscribed to the author’s work and also would be interested in the author’s future works in a particular genre. The content created for the potential reader must give a feel of originality, have relevance to author’s work and should be of interest to the reader. Phew — you will need to research for these reader’s personas or have a ready made list of interested people.

Blogs and Lead Generation New call-to- action

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Let’s take an author who has authored and uploaded several blog posts over some time, and did not command significant attention — maybe 30 to 50 visits a month — one or two of the posts just get attention.

Though you are visible up in the top, organic hunt results for applicable keywords will decide how you fare in Google search and thus the fate of your book. Quite complex , right?

A multiple of these blog posts got visits per month ( greater than some website pages), verily though they were written six months back, and each picked up up anywhere from 5 to 20 clicks on the call-to- action (CTA) in the blog post.

That click guides her to a landing page with an applicable offer ( sole content in barter for contact information). Ok upto this.

The landing magnet attracts maybe 2 to 5 leads, independently, when the clicker completes the confirmation on email to get the freebie video , ebook or another freebie.

The blog written a few months back gets you 2–3 leads after some time. Disappointing, hey ! What will be the result when authors write blog posts, follow them up for comments and interact, and then optimize them as recommended below? They will begin to attract leads from these blogs — and each time they give out a new offer or have another blog post that finds success, they get to see more leads coming in.

You know the 80/20 Paretto Principle ; it applies here also . You can expect 80 (or further) of your leads to generate from 20 (or lesser) of your blog posts. I can’t promise you that one of your first 10 blog posts which is possible to hit pay dirt. You may need to write 50 or further before you see some of them regularly getting you leads. There are a lot of specialized arguments why this is the case — it’s not just your writing that works wonders! You must relentlessly convince visitors to have faith in your work by citing examples of your work, comment by other readers, reviews or other sources and continue with your posting. On a long term basis I have never seen authors lose ground here.

Photo by Michael Dam on Unsplash

What each Blog Post needs to Generate New leads.

1.Made for the Right Persona In order to bring on leads got by content or inbound marketing, you need to be focused on your typical persona — who you’re authoring for and who you ‘re testing to attract to your website and book page. For instance a parent reading stories and one who buys book for her children is completely different.

Anyways you will get their attention, right? Consider that you have no fixed aim, you do not a targetted audience , then do find out in depth about your marked following — from a variety of websites and gather information on what they are looking for online by studying their comments , email replies and how you can solve their challenges. Write about them and produce offers related to those effects that they’re searching for and asking about online.

4. Relative Premium Content or Offer It’s a prevalent practice to include a link to an offer or lead that can furnish the visitant with some another, allied content to download. This extra content is exclusive, kept behind a wall, and made available only to those who request it. It’s further than another blog post; this is pricey content that’s well-endowed, elongated , more useful. Having multiple pieces of decoration content makes it easier to ensure that what you offer with each blog post is material to the subject of that post; applicability is critical to clicks, downloads, and lead generation.

Sources of Leads — In Alphabetical Order

. Cold mailing to your list generated from legitimate sources and campaigns. Contacts from other authors, if you have a collaboration agreement. A : Amazon ads . B. Book Fair inquiries. CD: be in touch with library groups and individual libraries of different areas to do emails. D. E. Email marketing. Contacts From Facebook and LinkedIn communities of readers. Facebook ads. G. H. I Instagram short videos and likes in response to offers and ads . H. Higher up responders to webinar ads. I. Responders to your offers in your earlier publications. J. Bookbub ads . K.L. LinkedIn articles and videos — reader’s comments. Use of led magnets, free ebooks, coupon codes, discount offers, book combos,. M Targeting your audience again by through Marketing tools like , ReTargeter , and Perfect Audience N. Visit blogs of other authors and see the commenters there and get in touch with them. Q Quora is an stupendous content innovation and generation tool. More on Quora in my next writeup. R. Reviewers of your earlier books. Review blog contacts of readers there. S. Signups of newsletters. Special Promotions. T Target the General public through institutions. U. Upgrades to your content. W. Messenger messages like WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram, Google handouts from your contact list without spamming, ask permission first then send. Xmas and festivals give you an occasion to declare schemes, discounts and offers. Y P Pop ups on your website. Your contacts who love your work and know you.

This is a general idea of different sources of lead generation. I will discuss each of these in my upcoming articles. Coming up Next — Promotions through Quora.



Sudhir Bhatt

www.internetserves.com , getdivinity.blogspot.com/ copywriter, content writer and creative writer. exp: business plans, case studies, blogs, ebooks, teaching