16 Tips to Write an Effective Blog

Sudhir Bhatt
13 min readFeb 15, 2022


effetvie blogging tips

Why To Create an Effective Blog .You need more audience for your website. More and more people should find you in search engines.

  • A Reader has a very short memory in this age of information explosion. Besides the website visitor hardly remains on it for 30 seconds, to make him interested and act on your website you need to keep him engrossed. If the material is useful, relevant and to the point it becomes memorable, and also a reference point. This may also prompt him to share it. Writing an article that could create a desired impact on the reader and also to make it memorable at least to share, you need to focus on certain points while structuring and writing it.

Why Write the Blog At All.

It all boils down to how do you want to build your blogging career. The single most important point to consider while writing a good blog is — your unique take and voice on the subject.
Better yet, find an easy idea to really express out your own voice.
Simple — you must be interested in the topic at hand. You should not write just because you want to earn more and more money, because you need to impress someone or just get noticed.
And for sure do not blog because someone else suggested or advised you to do it.
YOU must enjoy what you write. Because this is the only way to consistently create top content to attract the audience.

Make your Headline Searchable with Numbers, Power Verbs and Your Main Keywords.

All articles must in their heading have effective keywords that attract the reader. One of the necessary conditions for effective blog is a powerful and attractive headline that Google also likes. Headline with numbers attract more clicks than without them. Those which have brand names or celebrity, or famous names will also make it more clickable. For creating effective titles click here:

https://coschedule.com › headline-analyzer

https://capitalizemytitle.com › headline-analyzer
https://aminstitute.com › headline


7 Best Headline Analyzer Tools for Better Post Titles in 2020

Refer to the Article above to create wow headlines.

I would construct my headline even before starting the article. Google the headlines having the same keywords must be an inspiration. We need not copy them, just consider the general idea and then move on with your concept. Also, the focus of the content will suggest the headline.

Readability score is 6. A few remarks by Coschedule on this headline-

You wrote a List headline. Your headline creates curiosity in readers by keeping the content of your post ambiguous and ensuring it will be easily noticeable.

Headline report score

Your headline conveys a positive sentiment, which drives engagement by exciting or inspiring readers. Memorable and effective.

Your keyword or topic is found in the first or last three words of your headline, making it easy for readers to skim and understand at a glance.

There are no uncommon or emotional words, otherwise it would have scored more than 90 marks.

The headline is conveying a quick message and a gist of the content so it should be clear, concise; have actionable, power and emotional words to match your content. Do not stuff your heading with too much of keywords and extra words. Number of characters should be less than 85.

Also avoid fantastic promises, like in this headline suppose I write — Get 1000 clicks guaranteed by following these 10 tips. Will definitely adds to bad Karma! You can read the report of this headline here -


My article headline report

Also read their headline improvement article here — https://coschedule.com/blog/how-to-write-the-best-headlines-that-will-increase-traffic

Keywords : Your Key to Effective Blog to Attract your Audience.

One of the important factors for an effective blog is use of Keywords that are searched often and ranked at least on first 2 pages of Google search. Use the relevant keyword in your URL slug, meta description, subheads, images, graphics, first sentence, last sentence, and body copy. Using your keyword throughout the content in different places, subtopics, body etc. -in conjunction with your headline-this will tell the Search engine that your headline actually covers the stated content in the article.

Avoid click bait headlines with irrelevant keywords -that does not include the content subject matter to get click-throughs.

Knowing Your Audience is Essential to Write An Effective Blog

Understanding your audience is the key to success for ranking in SERPS. You need to make sure that all of your ideas cater to the reader persona of your target audience. It is important to analyze their likes, dislikes, tastes and problems. This will help you understand what they want and will also help you develop content better suited for them. Also, this research will help you to find the right keywords.

Try to give solutions to most common problems your audience is facing, you can get the information while you research for the article. The success of your content largely depends on how you can cater to your target audience. A very vital component of an effective blog.

For example, if you are writing for a child-friendly website, then assure that every idea you have should somehow connect with kids — for example talking about cartoon characters or toy brands that your readers will be familiar with. If you are targeting an older audience then try to stay away from topics like food and clothing and instead talk about travel and hobbies.

For instance, the young generation likes romance books — so get some interesting facts about the romance writing which could excite the readers, in case your reader is young and reads romance tales.

For writing resources logon to https://in.pinterest.com/numawokcreative/created/ or https://in.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=great%20advice%20for%20writers&rs=typed&term_meta[]=great%20advice%20for%20writers%7Ctyped

You can find the problems of your audience by logging on to similar articles and reading the comments on the blog. You can also join Facebook and LinkedIn groups to identify their problems.

Do Necessary Research on the Questions Audience Ask.

Research is the backbone of any successful and effective blog post. It provides you with content ideas, expands your knowledge of the topic and makes you a better blogger. The first step to research is to find questions that people are asking about your topic on Quora, Google Question Hub or Wikepedia . You can also refer to answerthepublic.com.

Use Google’s auto-suggest function, “Ubersuggest” or Answer the Public to see what kind of questions people are asking about your topic. Amazon also has an “A9 search” function that displays what people are searching for on their site. You may also refer to Google Question Hub here

Since more people are starting to use social media more than traditional media, another idea would be to visit various author websites and research on the type of questions asked there in the comments section below each blog.

You can generate many blog topic ideas through this blog topic generator. Here is the link — https://www.hubspot.com/blog-topic-generator

Also, you may read the books on the desired topic to get some additional inspiration for your effective blog. This may seem too much to do, but remember we are writing a memorable article to establish you as an influencer and authority.

Keep it Simple To Make it an Effective Blog

Make the article readable with a conversational tone. Write concisely and use short sentences (instead of long ones). The simpler the article, the easier it is for readers to understand and remember (what you are talking about).

For example, when you are talking about “The History of Pizza,” you don’t need to go into detail on every date, country, ingredient or even how pizza came to be. If there are specific things that are relevant and important (for the reader to know), then include it in your article. But if it doesn’t add anything new or helpful for your readers then leave that out.

Your article is like a song, simpler the tune and easier the lyrics, easier for the reader to remember, like and share your song. To show this, I have bracketed the words that could be easily replaced with simple words — not much of a difference to the meaning of the message though.

Quote your Quotes Right. Otherwise it will not be an Effective Blog

“Minds of people need a good revolution and great quotations are good revolutionists!” -Mehmet Murat Ildan “A very wise quote is a spectacular waterfall! When you see it, you feel its power!” — Mehmet Murat Ildan “Good quotes help to tell a story and enhance the credibility of a press release, news story, or speech. Words that are crafted well can leave a lasting impact on the world.” — Holly Zuluaga

Quotes are the dressing for it (for your article). They can give it life, or death (to it). Quotes should be used with caution, not peppered throughout the article. They can become the life of the article; they (are what) makes it interesting and readable. And one more thing if it something to be acknowledged ,do it with specific name and source.

Many (Lots of people) use quotes in their articles to make them more interesting and persuasive. Others (Some people) use quotes to show how smart they are by quoting famous scholars or philosophers, but others use quotes at the beginning of their articles without really adding any value. Come on now, you do not want the reader to run away to another website, do not make reading feel like work.

Quotes are extremely important for any article because they have a story-telling quality to them that can be otherwise lost (with other types of content). Quotes are an essential part of any article especially if you’re writing about yourself or your company. A good quote can help you express your opinion more clearly and concisely than you might do it without them ( be able to on your own accord).

You can get relevant quotes here:

Brainy Quote, Wikiquote, Quote Garden

Read article on quotes on Medium -

Showcase your Graphics to Enhance and Complement Readability

Create Your own Graphics for your Effective Blog https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-writing-on-tablet-computer-while-using-laptop-4348401/

Pictures, graphics and photos should be apt to what you have written, they should not only show something but also complement the meaning of your expression. Graphics can be added to articles as photo illustrations, as animated GIFs, as charts and graphs, as drawings, as infographics, etc. GIFs are a type of graphic that captures a moment in time or creates movement with animations.

The importance of visuals in online content is no secret. We know that different types of visuals help us get across different messages quickly, more effectively and with more emotion.

Yet, the possibility of using these tools in articles is not always clear to many. If a photo looks too good to you and you want to use it anyway, place it in the article if it complements, suits and enhances the narrative — not otherwise. Otherwise, it will become a hindrance to it (your narrative).

There are many reasons why adding graphics to your articles can be beneficial. The main reason is that it adds more information to the article that you are writing about, helping the reader understand it better. Images also give readers a chance to pause and digest what they just read before continuing with the article.

Graphics, photos, GIFs or even videos are important in articles because they help to engage the reader. Photos are especially good for blogs because they are more personal. A photo can illustrate complex ideas in a single image which is helpful when this is useful to convey a quick message (you want to get your message across quickly).

A blog’s look depends on the layout of pictures, graphics, or photos. There are two popular layouts — grid-based and storyboard based. They can also help ( comprehension) , readers understand an idea or concept better. They also create visual interest and break up the text, so it isn’t as overwhelming and boring to read.

To create your own Graphics appropriate to Your Blog Click here

and Design resources Here . Also more design Ideas here

Check and Correct the article to Remove Repetitions or Plagiarism:

Keep away from repetitions. If you just increase the length by repetitions with different expressions, it will reduce the readability. Before putting it up on your website check for repetition, grammar and typos. Make sure that your concepts and ideas are presented in logical sequence, a smooth flow of thoughts.

Free plagiarism checker is here : or more Plagiarism checkers here -

  • Duplichecker.
  • PaperRater.
  • Copyleaks.
  • PlagScan.
  • Plagiarisma.
  • Plagiarism Checker.
  • Quetext.
  • Small SEO Tools — Plagiarism Checker.
  • Or even on Grammarly here :

Use Memorable Incidents, Anecdotes, Stories — to Make a Really Effective Blog

Relate interesting, memorable and unusual incidents to prove your point. The use of anecdotes, stories, and quips to make points is an age-old rhetorical device.

There are many arguments favoring the use of anecdotes, but one key reason is that they are memorable, apart from proving your point. Anecdotes provide a specific context for your argument that may not be obvious from the facts alone.

Stories are more than anecdotes; they can be used to prove broader points about people or cultures, or they can reveal something new about a topic. Quips can also provoke an emotional response in the audience and help them understand why you believe your point is important and right.

The use of anecdotes in a speech or essay can be a powerful persuasive device. They illustrate a point, provide emotional impact and help the audience to remember what you have said. The storyteller doesn’t have to mention their name, location or any other personal details about themselves when using an anecdote.

The use of anecdotes is effective because they make the audience feel like they are a part of your story, and it helps them identify with your experience. Oftentimes, anecdotes are used to make a point about something. These stories are usually amusing, but they can also be personal or dramatic depending on the need of your article.

Storytelling in marketing is often used for advertising purposes via commercials or movies, but it’s also a key component of PR and customer service efforts.

For example, during the height of Hurricane Sandy, Delta Air Lines sent out updates about its flights and waived baggage fees for customers who were stranded by the storm. This story helped people feel like they could trust Delta to help them through this difficult time, even though they were dealing with their problem.

It is said that storytelling is the most powerful way to communicate. And it’s not just about telling a story, it is about telling an effective, impactful story.

The human brain is wired to respond more dramatically to stories than facts or figures. For this reason, leaders need to use storytelling in their communications. Effective Storytelling has the power to uplift your article, certain times it also inspires the audience to act.

You may read the article of story telling here, use the translation button to read in English.

It can also help you generate more revenue by convincing prospects that your company is worth their time. It can help you better communicate with your audience. A story provides a clear structure for how people want their message delivered.

Use appropriate and related data to prove your point. Make sure the data source is reliable to make the audience trust you, and thus revisit your website. You must also reveal the source of your data, if possible, support it with matching diagrams — maybe Graphics from your spreadsheet application or icons, Infographic etc.

Have a Table of Contents

Place it in the beginning so that readers can directly go to the section they are interested in first and also get an overview of what to expect from the article.

Check your article for Misspells, Grammar, Typos, Bad Links and Style Mistakes.

All writing apps have a very good style, spell check and typo checker. In fact, some of them also give you good suggestions to improve upon your language. I found 3 very useful apps -

Word editor which is in built, Prowriting Aid — https://prowritingaid.com and Grammarly — free Chrome extension.

Tpyos , spallings, style problems may drive your audience away — more it is creating a bad image of your website or blog. It also disturbs the discerning reader. Chances are some people may not even revisit your blog due to this.

Give useful and relevant links to support your argument and check them whether they are clickable. This will also connect your article to many websites, thus widening your exposure to Google. Right backlinks always give good SEO results.

It also makes people share and like your article. There are a number of links in this article here. Check all your links — both internal and external whether they are working ok and article is very much there at the source.

How to Use Humor and Awe in the Article:

  • Sprinkle your posts with surprising facts and shocking data to create awe.
  • Aim for laughter on the inside. Laughter isn’t about being a stand-up comedian. It’s about making people smile and feel joyful, so keep your posts real. Use an entertaining tone of voice, pop-culture slang where appropriate, and language you know your audience will relate to. If you can make them laugh out loud, then bravo!
  • Recount humorous anecdotes against yourself to illustrate a point. It’s a disarming and attractive quality that will catch people off guard and make you more likeable.
  • Tell moving, real-life stories that inspire, amuse and entertain.
  • Don’t be afraid to use strong emotions such as anger to build emotional connections. If you feel outraged by something, go for it. But do so wisely. Make sure your posts are grounded in reason and evidence, not the heat of the moment rage. See Neil Patel’s take here

Make a Simple Summary of Your Article at the End :

To make your article readable, sharable and website “ revisitable” again, follow the listed points -

  • Write an effective headline that attracts clicks.
  • Research your audience.
  • Find questions they ask.
  • Research also for keywords.
  • Make your quotes effective to prove your point.
  • Keep the narrative simple to read, understand and reliable.
  • Let the role of Graphics be impactful.
  • Check and correct the article for repetitions or plagiarism.
  • Use memorable incidents, anecdotes, stories.
  • Use reliable data to support your argument.
  • Check your grammar, style and spellings. Also verify it for typos.
  • Give a summary at the end.
  • Table of contents and summary have their own importance, so keep both.

That is not all, there are other things that could make or break an article or render it unreadable, boring. We shall cover this in the next relevant post.

Originally published at https://authorshine.com on February 15, 2022.

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Thanks for reading.



Sudhir Bhatt
Sudhir Bhatt

Written by Sudhir Bhatt

www.internetserves.in , sudhirbhatt.xyz,getdivinity.blogspot.com/ copywriter, content writer and author. exp: , case studies, blogs, ebooks, video scripts,

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