16 Tips To Increase Your Creativity

Sudhir Bhatt
8 min readAug 23, 2021


Creative power is an essential resource for everybody. It helps in creating new ideas, concepts, and products that can be beneficial to the business and the masses too. However, while creativity is fairly easy to come by, it can be challenging to find ways that help you tap into it on demand. Here are 16 little changes you can make in your life to make a big difference with your creativity. Creativity, in its purest form, is a generative process. It can’t be forced or planned. It has to have the freedom to grow and explore on its own.

Some people might think of creativity as a mysterious force and writing about it as an impossible task, but in reality it’s just waiting for you to take advantage of it! Creativity helps to provide new ideas, concepts and products which could turn out profitable for them. But how? It’s essential to the way we work, play, and live. Creative ideas can be hard to find sometimes, but there are some simple things you can do to help you get your creative juices flowing again.

Creativity is a skill that needs to be practiced and honed just like any other talent in order to maintain high levels of expertise. This article will provide you with a few small changes that can make a big difference for you and your team when it comes to creativity.

But even when I am in my zone and my creativity is flowing, there are some days when it just seems like it’s taking me more effort than the usual to come up with great content ideas. In those situations, I often find myself making the same mistakes over and over again. That is why I compiled a list of sixteen little changes that can make big differences with your creativity.

1. Get some perspective by taking a break from your desk and go for a walk outside to get some fresh air. Observe the novelties you see out there, maybe some new shop front, a new street artist or a graffiti worth photographing. Alternatively, observing the sky with clouds could give you a lot of ideas. The outdoors especially where nature abounds is a great stimulus to become more creative.

2. Explore something new, like visiting an art gallery or a museum. Then wonder and write about what you see, ask questions about how they created the thing, how much time it took them, how could they make it so impressive and immersive.For instance you can visit the sand artists at the beach and do this exercise with him. Maybe, everybody may not tell you the thing you ask, but at least you will know the basics.

4. Get away from screens for a while-and take a 10-minute break from social media or your phone, then try writing about what you would be doing right now if were not staring at the screen. Don’t get me wrong — we love our screens! But it’s important not to overdo it with too much screen time as this can have negative effects on your brain and learning habits. Screens give you the easy way out, unless you are reading and working on quizzes. Creativity is about inspiration and introspection, but all the screens give you ready solutions so we keep away from screens.

Get rid of the “ Screen Habit ”

5. Take time to explore who you are as an individual and learn more about who you want to be as an artist/writer/designer, etc. Visit your childhood memories to locate what you loved doing , can you do it now? Agatha Christie the mystery and thriller writer of world fame got her inspiration from the fearful childhood games she played with her sister. Find Your Purpose To Build Your Career- read my book here — rxe.me/7914V1. A few things you will learn by reading this book -

  • Control your thoughts, emotions and breath.
  • Reach new levels of your thought processes.
  • Realize your childhood dreams.
  • Set up the right values and goals.

To have a purpose driven life you need to learn the three principles of a valid action which moves you in the right direction. Learn these principles to succeed in your purpose, get and refer my book from the link rxe.me/7914V1.

You can get more creative by learning the Essential qualities which drive a leader’s thinking. Find out how physically challenged people succeed even in impossible situations and a number of other lessons and techniques to change your world from the same book.

My recent Publication.

6. You’re not alone. We often feel like we’re the only ones struggling with a creative block and this can be daunting, especially if it’s a deadline-driven project. But believe me, everyone has those moments where they just can’t think of anything new. Make it a rule to talk about your creative struggle with others. Strike up a conversation or start writing your thoughts on social media feeds that you know your friends will see and they’ll offer their help or encouragement for sure. Have a support group of similar people and set up an accountability mechanism for each of you to become answerable and responsible.

7. Learn a new skill at regular intervals of your convenience, make sure at least you get to know the basics. This will definitely keep you charged up and on your toes. The challenges will hone your skills and you may also come to know about your new hidden potential. Fit in your day which gives you enough time to learn and grow. Or you can also take up to learn a new language or know about some countries and people, their customs, idioms and sayings. You never know, you might open a treasure of fascinating things to change your thinking and creative muscle.

8. Role playing can be an exciting challenge — for example practicing all things with your eyes closed, notice the difference it makes to your perception. What happens if you eat with your eyes closed? Can you substitute the food you see with its static image while your eyes are closed? This will develop your visualization power.

9. To get some creative music sense, sing the songs you know with new tunes or even with new lyrics. Many times it will be a fun exercise with lots of personal inputs, you can make a game out of this with 4 or 5 players — making a challenge for each of the participants. There are many apps available online for voice training and singing.

10. Read books that excite you, wonder how the author got that story and think how you would have written this. Also have a look at its movie version, try and see which excites you more and why. You will be surprised how creative juices start flowing while doing this.

Read Books for Developing creativity

11. Observe birds, butterflies and flowers — then write word pictures of the beauty you observed or if you are art inclined try to draw them. Observing the beauty in nature is a great way to get inspired and have a renewed sense of appreciation for life.

If you are someone who values the beauty of nature, there is something you can do to appreciate the beauty around us. You can get a journal and write a description of what you see in detail. You can also take pictures of what you observe that will help in future reference.

I’ve often gone for walks with my family on weekends, and I watch how at ease they are with the world around them. They know all the bird calls, and they are quick to point out any plants or flowers that we may have missed from our previous walks together. It’s amazing to observe both children and adults doing this — they seem so happy just being aware of their surroundings while they go about their day-to-day activities. See what creative power of yours can contribute to their expressions. Maybe you can make a game out of this.

From Unsplash

12. Go through people’s biographies to know about their creative aspects and how they used their skills to inspire and motivate others. How can you use these ideas in your daily lives, maybe you have read about some teacher using story telling and ingenuous art to explain complex ideas in mathematics, some analogies, situations.Maybe she used creative designs to make the complicated ideas simple to understand.

13. Read about design concepts that changed the world drastically or some innovations that transformed people’s lives and gave them a new perspective to existing problems. For instance the invention of bakelite made the radios available to people who earlier cannot afford it. Or for that matter revealing something which already existed but was not known to everybody and not applied yet. The example is the “Oedipus Complex” as presented by Freud with his unique communication, way back in 1896 .

14. You can also see and read design books and wonder about the concepts there, then take a picture and do a Google search of the picture to get a broader idea of how the thing was conceived. Now you can write about it. There are hundreds of ways you can do this with different objects — you can find your path.

15. Read different fables and see how they can relate them to our modern world and situations. You can just think about it differently and see what comes out. You can do the same thing with different stories. I found an example of this in Dr. Kamal’s book “Million Dollar Powerful Personality”. The link to that book is here — https://amzn.to/3iw0SMb. It is a very good read with hundreds of useful concepts. This is a best- seller many times over. Dr. Kamal has covered almost every aspect to become a successful persona.

16.Creativity in the practical world is something difficult to use and express. However, a good friend of mine has written a book on the concept, “ Ideas On Demand” , available on Amazon.in here https://amzn.to/3ApWh4j. This is a best seller , available free in ebook form now.

I am an author, freelancing writer, ex-banker and teacher.Planning to write a series of books on creative business ideas and related topics. Thanks for reading this, please comment and share, liking is your choice. My book has been a best seller 3 times on amazon.in in the category Young Adults and Money and thrice in library science. Thanks for reading this, suggestions welcome.

Sudhir Bhatt

Author . Site Owner Creative writing

Email: info@sudhirbhatt.com

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Sudhir Bhatt

www.internetserves.com , getdivinity.blogspot.com/ copywriter, content writer and creative writer. exp: business plans, case studies, blogs, ebooks, teaching